Home Bed - Pillow Cases & Fillers

Looking to buy the best pillow covers online? Check out our latest collections!

While the living room is definitely always the highlight of any home, it is the bedroom that we spend most time in, and we spend most amount of effort and energy in beautifying. Is that not true? Our bedrooms are a reflection of who we are, our moods and personalities, our needs and utilities, and also is our safe haven, our comfort zones, the soft and safe and warm cocoon we recede into after a long day’s work. We come home and can only dream of crashing on our beds. Our bedrooms are where we are truly ourselves, and we can be comfortable in our skins, and be who we want to be, wear what we want to wear, and do whatever we want to do. So, when it comes to designing such a space, when it comes to giving our bedrooms a makeover, we always pick our favourite colours and motifs. We fall back on everything we love, aesthetics that we adore, and colour and design sensibilities that fill us with joy, warmth, and happiness. So, when shopping for bed cover or pillow covers for our bedrooms, it is very important to keep all of these elements and design schemes in mind. When you shop for bed cover or pillow covers at Westside, we promise that you will find exactly what you are looking for, the type of design and exact colours you need to make your bedroom your private, personal heaven. 

Things to keep in mind when shopping for bed cover and pillow covers

For starters, the most important conversation when shopping for bed cover and pillow covers is colour. What is the colour scheme of your bedroom? You will need the covers to be either of the same shade, or at a contrast. You will need shade options when building the design scheme for your bedroom, and all the bedspreads, pillows, and cushions, will need to be on the line of the same scheme. What you can always do, is use the bed cover and the pillow covers to create a contrast story. Maybe they can be the star or the statement elements of the room, that adds that burst of shock and surprise? Or they can have standout designs or motifs that will help break the monotony of the monochrome aesthetic. Bedspreads and covers can be used in various ways to turn a room around, create a sense of surprise, and add elements of joy, print, patterns, and contrasting textures. 

Shopping for bed cover and pillows covers at Westside 

Whether you drop by at our stores or are shopping online, when it comes to shopping for bed cover and pillow covers, you can be rest assured that we have everything that you are looking for. From the colours you need to the prints or patterns you are looking for, at Westside, you will find exactly what your bedroom décor needs. So, come over to our stores or scroll through our vast collections on our website and we will definitely blow your mind away with all our varieties and options that will surely turn your bedroom into the dream space you have been dreaming of!   

Westside Home White Antibac Foam Pillow
Sold out
Westside Home White Moisture Control Pillow
Sold out
Westside Home White Indulgence Pillow
Sold out
Westside Home White Indulgence Pillow

Westside Home

₹ 1,299.00

Westside Home White Anti-Bacterial Pillow
Sold out

Looking to buy the best pillow covers online? Check out our latest collections!

While the living room is definitely always the highlight of any home, it is the bedroom that we spend most time in, and we spend most amount of effort and energy in beautifying. Is that not true? Our bedrooms are a reflection of who we are, our moods and personalities, our needs and utilities, and also is our safe haven, our comfort zones, the soft and safe and warm cocoon we recede into after a long day’s work. We come home and can only dream of crashing on our beds. Our bedrooms are where we are truly ourselves, and we can be comfortable in our skins, and be who we want to be, wear what we want to wear, and do whatever we want to do. So, when it comes to designing such a space, when it comes to giving our bedrooms a makeover, we always pick our favourite colours and motifs. We fall back on everything we love, aesthetics that we adore, and colour and design sensibilities that fill us with joy, warmth, and happiness. So, when shopping for bed cover or pillow covers for our bedrooms, it is very important to keep all of these elements and design schemes in mind. When you shop for bed cover or pillow covers at Westside, we promise that you will find exactly what you are looking for, the type of design and exact colours you need to make your bedroom your private, personal heaven. 

Things to keep in mind when shopping for bed cover and pillow covers

For starters, the most important conversation when shopping for bed cover and pillow covers is colour. What is the colour scheme of your bedroom? You will need the covers to be either of the same shade, or at a contrast. You will need shade options when building the design scheme for your bedroom, and all the bedspreads, pillows, and cushions, will need to be on the line of the same scheme. What you can always do, is use the bed cover and the pillow covers to create a contrast story. Maybe they can be the star or the statement elements of the room, that adds that burst of shock and surprise? Or they can have standout designs or motifs that will help break the monotony of the monochrome aesthetic. Bedspreads and covers can be used in various ways to turn a room around, create a sense of surprise, and add elements of joy, print, patterns, and contrasting textures. 

Shopping for bed cover and pillows covers at Westside 

Whether you drop by at our stores or are shopping online, when it comes to shopping for bed cover and pillow covers, you can be rest assured that we have everything that you are looking for. From the colours you need to the prints or patterns you are looking for, at Westside, you will find exactly what your bedroom décor needs. So, come over to our stores or scroll through our vast collections on our website and we will definitely blow your mind away with all our varieties and options that will surely turn your bedroom into the dream space you have been dreaming of!